Work With Me!
Free Discovery Call
Find out what fertility awareness can do for you, how I can help you avoid pregnancy naturally, and more. Schedule your free call today!
Natural Birth Control Individual Course
Work with me live and one-on-one (via video chat) to avoid pregnancy with your body's natural fertility signs via the FEMM Method. By the end, you'll be able to chart your fertility signs, identify ovulation, and understand what's healthy and what's not.
Four one-hour FEMM Sessions
One final 30 min check-in
6 months of follow-up
Course workbook
3 months free with Read Your Body
Payment divided across four sessions. Some discounts available.
Applicants-expect a response in 24-48 hours (check your spam folder)!
Additional 1:1 Support
Let me help you navigate your fertility! If you're trying to conceive, need a chart review, or are a prior client needing additional support, contact me to set up a session built just for you. Rates start at $50/1 hr session.
About FEMM:
I teach the FEMM Method (Fertility Education and Medical Management), a highly effective symptohormonal method of charting for health and family planning. I love the FEMM method because the protocols are easy to follow, and using urinary hormone tests for luteinizing hormone gives extra confidence. FEMM's teaching focuses largely on health and body literacy, and is secular and inclusive in nature.
FEMM also has a network of physicians trained in restorative reproductive wellness.
Learn more: FEMM Method FACTS